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PostSubject: Re: Getting involved   Getting involved I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 25, 2011 8:39 am

Getting involved D38289cd
It is made by our old concept artist (he got fired). You maybe can try to model it. By the way you can both be webmaster and modeller Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Getting involved   Getting involved I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 24, 2011 12:01 pm

Happy Easter by the way!! flower
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PostSubject: Re: Getting involved   Getting involved I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 24, 2011 10:52 am

Of course you can use it Smile That's what its made for. I can't really draw any npcs,monsters, but I can draw logos and GUI elements. Oh and there's the direct link to the logo: logo and actualy i wanted to be a webmaster. Oh and if i have blueprints i can even model something. (I use Autodesk maya, and have basic knowledge of modeling) By blueprints i mean something like this: Getting involved Iron_man_2008_mark_ii-24723
Where I can see character/item/or something from all sides, so I can model it accurately
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PostSubject: Re: Getting involved   Getting involved I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 23, 2011 11:01 pm

Very cool logo! And i guess the concept artist role is what you wanna be? Or am i wrong? By the way pancakes is very good with honye! And with some crispy.. never mind! You now a member of ka devrlopment games. We have three others working here me ERROR and jorge that is the lead programmer! I have a task for you! Make a cool picture and show it on that website you made! It was very cool you must have much experience! Is it ok to change the forum logo to yours beucase it was way too cool!
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PostSubject: Re: Getting involved   Getting involved I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 23, 2011 1:33 pm

Name: I dont want to tell it
Email: uklanas@gmail.com
Experience: Few litle gaming websites, like:
i also tried to create a website for porchwind:
Not very much there yet but im still developing it
Oh and i created this logo:

About yourself: erm...... I'm not english so my english isn't perfect
Getting involved Porchwindlogo
P.S. I don't need to get payed I'll work for free because this is sort of like a hobby Smile

Last edited by h4x0r1us on Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:55 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Getting involved   Getting involved I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 15, 2011 6:35 pm

Welcome to KADev Games!

Are you interested in developing games? We have vacancies in almost
all groups and are looking for anyone interested. You may not get paid
to work with us, your reward is you get more experience and having fun
while doing it. If a position is vacant or not you are interested in, please
contact us, so if we need someone there when we can contact you.
Wanna join? Make a new topic in Application and sign all this:

About yourself:

At the moment we are focus on the editors development so if you want
only develop the game you can check back later.

Art Department:

Concept Artist
Your first task will be to polish are PorchWind logo, other taskes like draw a map over the world
and all characters will also come. We want an artist with its own style if you know what I mean. As concept
artist you may also make the look of the GUI.

3d artist, animator and texture artist will be available as soon the editor is up and running.

Programmer Department

Lead Programmer
As lead programmer you need to know advanced c++ and have experience of openGL.
Your first task is to make the renderer that will be based on openGL. Other taskes like
particle system etc. will also come.

You will be given the little easier taskes then the lead programmer.

AI programmer are something we will need in the future, so if you are an AI programmer
you can come back later.

Marketing Department

Your task is to create a website for PorchWind.
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PostSubject: Re: Getting involved   Getting involved I_icon_minitime

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